Please find below various articles, press releases, reviews, and information about Sally Lee's books. If you would like to interview the author, please send email to
Pottery Barn Kids book signing - February 21, 2016. Lynfield, MA. Lynnfield Patch article for our book "What's in your Pot?" by Sharon Marrama and Sally O. Lee and litte artists: Abby H., Brayden A., Connor W., Dillon M., Ellie U., Graham F., Lily S., Maura F., Thayer S., Katie M., Patti U., Alison S., Erica W. Amanda S.S., Lindsay S., Natasha A.
A video by Sky Sabin.
Cambridge Who's Who, Press release, January 27, 2011.
MIT Tech Talk, September 17, 2008
This article discusses Sally's latest book, The Tutu Ballet, and her other books.
Click here for the article.
Gainesville, Texas - Daily Register - Sunday, May 4, 2008
Click here for an article about "The Cake Thief".
Book reviews
Kirkus Discoveries - March, 2008
Lee, Sally O.
BookSurge (36 pp.)
March 30, 2007
ISBN: 978-1-419-628092
Cuddly creatures dressed to the nines in flamboyant finery attend a masquerade ball in this preschool picture book by Lee (The Cake Thief, 2008, etc.).
It’s just another day when Lucy, the rabbit, and Seymour, the cat, are interrupted during a game of catch by the arrival of a mysterious letter. The pair eagerly tears it open to discover an invitation to a masquerade ball, delivered on the finest stationery either has ever seen. They quickly rush to the wardrobe to search out suitably elegant attire for the occasion among its contents. But they fail to find anything appropriate to wear until they remember a strange trunk hidden in the attic. Lucy and Seymour unearth an assortment of jewels and formal wear and cobble together costumes from the castoffs. The night of the affair, Lucy and Seymour excitedly approach the ballroom and watch as the other guests arrive. Perry, a purple pig, disembarks from a similarly colored car, eyes shaded behind a green mask. A green dragon sports an orange bowtie, while Pierre the penguin goes without clothes altogether. Masked animals, bedecked in vibrant silks, satins, sparkles and velvets, soon fill the ballroom. Games, prizes and a delicious cake adorned in kaleidoscopic frosting are on offer for entertainment, including a costume contest with a surprise winner. Lee’s full-page illustrations display a variety of objects and shapes with a Southwesternfiesta style combined with Mardi Gras flare—the simple sketches of animals and scenes are splashed in a sunny array of vivid primary colors. A few of the color-coordinated fonts, which change hues with each new scene, blend into the background, but the overall effect adds visual interest to the story. Some images, however, are a bit blurry and slightly derivative of the style found in Dooby, Dooby Moo by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin and Kevin Henkes’s Kitten’s First Full Moon.
An upbeat story replete with child-friendly characters.
Midwest Book Review - February 2008 *****
(Click here for "The Cake Thief" press release.)
The Cake Thief
Sally O. Lee
Lee Publishing
9781419683978, $22.50
Imaginatively written and colorfully illustrated by Sally O. Lee, "The Cake Thief" is the picturebook story of Clarence, a fellow who loves to steal cakes -- and does so from everyone in the neighborhood! One morning as Clarence is skulking through someone else's house seeking out a cake to steal, he instead finds an invitation to a party made out to 'The Cake Thief'. What a dilemma! Clarence has never received a party invitation before. He decides to go -- and in carrying out that decision learns some valued lessons that result in his never having to steal another cake! The story is lively, the simple text is superbly enhanced by the whimsical art style. The result is a welcome and recommended addition to family, school, and community library picturebook collections for young children.
Midwest Book Review - September, 2006 (five star rating, also posted on
The Children's Shelf
Lucy And Seymour's Circus
Sally O. Lee
Lee Publishing
35 Locust Street, Danvers, MA 01923
1419639862 $17.95
Lucy and her friend Seymour have plans to go to the circus, but to her dismay, Lucy wakes up not feeling very well and her mother won't let her go. What can Lucy and Seymour do instead? How about creating their very own circus!! An original and imaginative story by author and illustrator Sally Lee, "Lucy And Seymour's Circus" is a brightly colored, entertaining, thoroughly "kid friendly" anthropomorphic picturebook that will entertain and engage young readers ages 3 to 7 from beginning to end. Ms. Lee, who has written and illustrated fifteen other books for children, has once again demonstrated her unique storytelling and artistic ability. "Lucy And Seymour's Circus" would make a welcome and popular addition to family, school, and community library collections for preschoolers and young readers.
From the Midwest Book Review. A five star rating for "Lucy, The Dancing Bunny".
"Lucy the Dancing Bunny is an easy reader picturebook about a white bunny who loves dancing more than anything. The simple sentences and soft color illustrations show how Lucy loves to dance in the rain or in the snow, with a friend or with a teddy bear, and especially, in her favorite pink dress. An endearing read-aloud story especially for young children just beginning to sound out their first words."
March, 2006
Article featuring Sally Lee's books in the North Shore Women's Journal, December, 2005.
Please click here for the article.
Press Kit
Here is a variety of press materials about Lee Publishing. Click here to view the press kit.
The author/illustrator, Sally Lee, wins her first art prize at the age of 8 (1970). (Click here for article) - pdf , jpg version